No more racist Indian mascots

New Hampshire State Board of Education Resolution

[From a 1/26/06 email message]

Dear Mr. Sanfaçon: Your request for information was forwarded to me for a response. At its August 21, 2002, meeting, the New Hampshire State Board of Education unanimously approved a resolution calling for local school districts to stop using American Indian sports mascots. I've attached the resolution below:

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WHEREAS, the New Hampshire State Board of Education is aware that various Native American organizations, state and local officials, and private citizens, find the use of Native American mascots and symbols within our public schools to be offensive; and

WHEREAS, the use of Native American symbols as mascots, logos and sport team nicknames have, in the opinion of the Board, a detrimental affect on the achievement, education, self-concept, and self-esteem of American Indian students and sends an improper message to everyone of the true meaning and spirit of being of American Indian heritage; and

WHEREAS, several schools in New Hampshire continue to have Indian sports mascots; and

WHEREAS, all heritages, cultures, races, and religion have the right to be treated with dignity and respect; and

WHEREAS, it is important to be culturally sensitive and to educate everyone working within the New Hampshire School Education System, that no matter how well meaning their intentions, that their actions may be offensive and harmful to some and therefore, need to be eliminated; and

WHEREAS, the National Indian Education Association, the Society of Indian Psychologists and the US Commission of Civil Rights, have all endorsed the elimination of the use of Indian sports mascots; and

WHEREAS, the State Board of Education recognizes this is a matter that is, and rightfully so, should be addressed at the local level of each separate school district.

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the New Hampshire Board of Education endorses the elimination of the use of Indian sports mascots and encourages all districts to examine this issue and to eliminate the use of sports mascots.

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Stephen W. F. Berwick
NH State Department of Education
101 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
Tel: (603) 271-2299
Fax: (603) 271-1953

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